cristina boner leo silva Pode ser divertido para qualquer um

As Mr. Sailer has noted recently, mixed white-aborigine people start looking white within a couple of generation of intermarrying with whites. The same isn’t true of those with Sub-Saharan admixture.

Yeah, that’s why whites in the 50s and early 60s were so excited when blacks started moving into the neighborhood.

If you are curious or interested in, nothing wrong; if you are obsessed with or consider it determines, defines your being, behavior & identity regardless of your personal sense of self, then – wrong.

I dunno. I was watching some revival of some piece written a hundred years ago, set in the English countryside.

I made it about ten seconds into the trailer. Neither woman could ever pass, and one couldn’t even pass for White over the telephone.

A person absolutely gets -50% of his DNA from each parent. SFAIK that is non-negotiable. Once you get past the parent/child relationship the degree of genetic relationship is up to a lot of luck. Siblings share 50% of their DNA on average but it can be much more or much less than that. People get, on average, 12.5% of their DNA from each great-grandparent, but it can also be much, much less than that.

“Imitation of Life is about a mulatto girl who is struggling with her ethnic identity in the era of racial segregation. She’s light enough that she can pass for white, but her charcoal-black mother keeps showing up and blowing her cover, causing much resentment and conflict.

In Sandra Laing’s case, it was simply well past the point of trying to cover it up. But why only in Sandra’s case? There were millions of people classified as white under apartheid. Some of them were even white-looking Coloured people passing. So why is poor Sandra the only chocolate baby that ever gets metioned? note her brother is also clearly African, so if the mom in the small town where they lived was stepping out, she did it more than once without anyone saying anything public If you’re basing this on the images that show up when you google her brothers, neither the Leon or the Adrian in those images are Sandra’s brothers. The artices I see all just refer to both her brothers as white, except for a couple of articles in which Sandra herself defends her mother by saying her younger brother had fuzzy hair.

Sandra Laing (who smartly refuses to take a DNA test, despite giving interviews and participating in documentaries on the topic) is the only example that ever gets brought up. There find out this here are some 3 million Afrikaners, all of them partially non-white, with some of them even having more recent non-white ancestry from Coloured people who managed to pass… Where are all the other visibly mulatto-looking ones?

The choice is all the more discouraging because many Arab Americans don’t share the same experience as white Americans, she said. That sense of otherness can be even more pronounced among Arab or Muslim American women who wear the hijab, she said.

Same here. Actually I first thought someone died, but then I remembered how many people here like to bring up trannies whenever possible. So I figured it was referencing the slang term for sufficiently looking like someone of the opposite sex.

I also see that even being Warren Beatty and raising four kids in wedlock isn’t protection against one of them deciding she was really a boy all along. I guess this links into the “more mental illness in leftists” thread.

According to one news item “…Police say pelo mug shot of the suspect will be released until Monday…” But three of the facts we know so far indicate strongly that he is black.

That’s an interesting link, thanks. But populations that are on average heavily African (the mixed Creoles or the Dominicans) and the populations which are are only a small percentage African .are apples and oranges when it comes to this.

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